Amazing benefits of using rose water

Hope you all doing well and finally January is over,it felt like 10 weeks.Its been sunny ,hot and uncomfortable,but today the rain cooled everything down. Today,am going to talk about my new skin favorite and that is Rose water. This was another impulse buy at the beauty store. So far so good it been great.

Rose water is flavoured water made from steeping rose petals in water.

Rose water is beneficial to the skin in a few ways:-

  • It has anti – inflammatory properties that help to fight acne and eczema.
  • It balances out the skin PH
  • It revitalizes aging skin and helps to keep wrinkles at bay.
  • Its acts a good toner for the skin.
  • It helps to control excess oil.
  • It aids in healing scars, cuts and wounds.
  • It has moisturizing and nourishing effects on the skin making it soft  and smooth.

For all people who love to take care of their skin,this a must try and should be in your daily regimen.You will smell nice.


Thanks for reading.
